Trout and Salmon of the Genus Salmo


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By Johannes Schöffmann

This book is renowned in the literature on salmonids. It is the culmination of the life’s work of Johannes Schöffmann, a veritable explorer of the natural world, considered by the late Robert Behnke to be the “world’s authority on Brown Trout and their relatives.” The work is encyclopedic but accessible and well organized, introducing readers to the general evolutionary history, conser­vation status, and biological diversity of the native trouts and salmon of the Salmo genus, along with more detailed descriptions of the myriad of forms and subspecies spanning its entire native range from Europe, East Asia, and North Africa.

The book has something for every­one, whether as a standard reference book for students and researchers or as a guide to one of the world’s most popular fish for amateur anglers or natural history enthusiasts. The book contains nearly 200 original images taken by the author of native trout and their habitats, along with accompanying maps and figures.

This is a seminal work and a must-have for the shelf of any trout enthusiast, academic and nonacademic alike.

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