Mark Conlin, Alamy



For more materials, please see our Resources collection.


Naman, Sean M., Pitman, Kara J., Cunningham, Dylan S., Potapova, Anna, Chartrand, Shawn M., Sloat, Matthew R., Moore, Jonathan W. (2024). Forestry impacts on stream flows and temperatures: A quantitative synthesis of paired catchment studies across the Pacific salmon range. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. Download PDF


Sloat, M.R., (2023). What the Taimen Said: An Urgent Call for Conservation of the World’s Largest Salmonids. Fisheries, 1-23. Download PDF

Baerwald, M R, Funk, E C, Goodbla, A M, Campbell, M A, Thompson, T, Meek, M H, Schreier, A D. Rapid CRISPR-Cas13a genetic identification enables new opportunities for listed Chinook salmon management (2023). Molecular Ecology Resources, 2-23. Download PDF.

Atlas, W. I., Sloat, M. R., Satterthwaite, W. H., Buehrens, T. W., Parken, C. K., Moore, J. W., Mantua, N. J., Hart, J., & Patapova, A. (2023). Trends in Chinook salmon spawner abundance and total run size highlight linkages between life history, geography and decline. Fish & Fisheries, 3-23. Download PDF

Wilson, S. M., Moore, J. W., Ward, E. J., Kinsel, E. J., Anderson, J. H., Buehrens, T. W., Carr-Harris, C. N., Cochran, P. C., Davies, T. D., Downen, M. R., Godbout, L., Lisi, P. J., Litz, M. N. C., Patterson, D. A., Selbie, D. T., Sloat, M. R., Suring, E. J., Tattam, I. A., Wyatt, G. J. (2023). Phenological shifts and mismatch with marine productivity vary among Pacific salmon species and populations. Nature & Ecology Evolution, 5-23.

Hahlbeck, N., Anlauf-Dunn, K. J., Piotrowski, S. J., Ortega, J. D., Tinniswood, W. R. , Eliason, E. J., O’Malley, K. G., Sloat, M. R., Wyatt, M. A., Hereford, M. E., Ramirez, B. S., Armstrong, J. B. (2023). Habitat fragmentation drives divergent survival strategies of a cold-water fish in a warm landscape. Ecological Society of America. Download PDF

Wilson, K L, Sawyer, C A, Potapova, A, Bailey, C J, LoScerbo, D, Sweeney-Bergen, E K, Hodgson, E E, Pitman, K J, Seitz, K M, Law, L K, Warkentin, L, Wilson, S M, Atlas, W I, Braun, D C, Sloat, M R, Tinker, M T, Moore, J W. The role of spatial structure in at-risk metapopulation recoveries. (2023) Ecological Applications, Vol 33, Issue 6. Download PDF.

Atlas, W I, Ma, S, Ching Chou, Y, Connors, K, Scurfield, D, Nam, B, Ma, X, Cleveland, M, Doire, J W, Shea, R, Liu, J. Wild salmon enumeration and monitoring using deep learning empowered detection and tracking. (2023) Frontiers in Marine Science, 9-23. Download PDF.

Ruggerone GT, Springer AM, van Vliet GB, Connors B, Irvine JR, Shaul LD, Sloat MR, Atlas WI. From diatoms to killer whales: impacts of pink salmon on North Pacific ecosystems (2023). Marine Ecology Progress Series, Vol. 719: 1–40. Download PDF.

Atlas, W A, Ma, S, Chou, Y C, Connors, K, Scurfield, D, Nam, B, Ma, X, Cleveland, M, Doire, J, Moore, J W, Shea, R, Liu, J. Wild salmon enumeration and monitoring using deep learning empowered detection and tracking (2023). Frontiers in Marine Science, 9-23. Download PDF.


Atlas, W. I., Wilson, K. L., Whitney, C. K., Moody, J. E., Service, C. N., Reid, M., & Sloat, M. R. (2022). Quantifying regional patterns of collapse in British Columbia Central Coast chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) populations since 1960. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, Just-IN. Download PDF

McMillan, J. R., Sloat, M. R., Liermann, M., & Pess, G. (2022). Historical Records Reveal Changes to the Migration Timing and Abundance of Winter Steelhead in Olympic Peninsula Rivers, Washington State, USA. North American Journal of Fisheries Management42(1), 3-23. Download PDF

Zimmerman, M. S., Sloat, M. R., Kuzishchin, K. V., Arostegui, M. C., Gruzdeva, M. A., Seamons, T. R., & Quinn, T. P. (2022). Diversity of life history traits, growth, and lipid storage in migratory variants of steelhead and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Kamchatka, Russia. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 79(10): 1625-1640Download PDF


Pitman KJ, JW Moore, M. Huss, M.R. Sloat, et al. Glacier retreat creating new Pacific salmon habitat in western North America. In press: Nature communications. Download PDF

Hahlbeck, N, W Tinniswood, MR Sloat, JD Ortega, MA Wyatt, M Hereford, BS Ramirez, DA Crook, KJ Anlauf-Dunn, JB Armstrong. Warm habitat fuels coldwater fisheries in a landscape of extremes. In press: Conservation Biology. Download PDF

J.R. McMillan*, M.R. Sloat*, M. Liermann, and GR Pess. Changing migration timing and abundance of winter steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) migrations in Olympic Peninsula rivers, Washington State, USA. In press: North American Journal of Fisheries Management. *These authors contributed equally. Download PDF

Atlas, W.I., Seitz, K.M., Jorgenson, J.W., Millard-Martin, B., Housty, W.G., Ramos-Espinoza, D., Burnett, N.J., Reid, M. and Moore, J.W., 2021. Thermal sensitivity and flow-mediated migratory delays drive climate risk for coastal sockeye salmon. FACETS6(1), pp.71-89. Download PDF

Steel, J.R., Atlas, W.I., Ban, N.C., Wilson, K., Wilson, J., Housty, W.G. and Moore, J.W., 2021. Understanding barriers, access, and management of marine mixed-stock fisheries in an era of reconciliation: Indigenous-led salmon monitoring in British Columbia. FACETS, 6(1), pp.592-613. Download PDF

Galland, L. Simmons, J., Jahner, J., Luzuriaga-Neira, A, Sloat, M.R., Chandra, S., Hogan, Z., Jensen, O.P., and Parchman, T.L. 2021. Hierarchical genetic structure and implications for conservation of the world’s largest salmonid, Hucho taimen. Scientific Reports 11:1-15. Download PDF

Atlas, WI, NC Ban, JW Moore, AM Tuohy, S Greening, AJ Reid, N Morven, E White, WG Housty, JA Housty, C, L Greba, S Harrison, C Sharpe, KIR Butts, WM Shepert, E Sweeney-Bergen, D Macintyre, MR Sloat, K Connors. 2021. Indigenous management systems can promote more sustainable salmon fisheries in the Salish Sea. In: Sobocinski, K.L., State of the Salish Sea. G. Broadhurst and N.J.K. Baloy (Contributing Eds.). Salish Sea Institute, Western Washington University. Download PDF

Atlas, WI, NC Ban, JW Moore, AM Tuohy, S Greening, AJ Reid, N Morven, E White, WG Housty, JA Housty, C, L Greba, S Harrison, C Sharpe, KIR Butts, WM Shepert, E Sweeney-Bergen, D Macintyre, MR Sloat, K Connors. 2021. Indigenous systems of management for culturally and ecologically resilient Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) fisheries. BioScience 71: 186-204. Download PDF


Vierros, M, A.L. Harrison, M.R. Sloat, G. Ortuño Crespo G., Moore, J., Dunn, D., Ota, Y., Cisneros-Montemayor, A., Shillinger, G. Kehaulani Watson, T. Govan, H. 2020. Considering Indigenous Peoples and local communities in governance of the global ocean commons. Marine Policy 119: 104039. Download PDF

Pitman KJ, JW Moore, M.R. Sloat, A Beaudreau, A Bidlack, R Brenner, E Hood, GR Pess, NJ Mantua, AM Milner, V Radić, GH Reeves, DE Schindler, DC Whited. 2020. Glacier retreat and Pacific salmon. Bioscience 70:3 220-236. Download PDF


Thompson TQ R.M. Bellinger, S.M. O’Rourke, D.J. Prince, A.E. Stevenson, A.T. Rodrigues, M.R. Sloat, C.F. Speller, D.Y. Yang, V.L. Butler, M.A. Banks, M.R. Miller. 2019. Anthropogenic habitat alteration leads to rapid loss of adaptive variation and restoration potential in wild salmon populations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 116:177-86. Download PDF

Dusterhoff S., M.R. Sloat, and F.K. Ligon. 2017. The influence of coarse particle mobility on scour depth in salmonid spawning habitat. River Research and Applications 33: 1306-1314. Download PDF

Sloat M.R., G.H. Reeves, and K. Christiansen. 2016. Stream network geomorphology mediates the predicted vulnerability of anadromous fish habitat to hydrologic change in Southeast Alaska. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13466. Download PDF

Bateman, D. S., Sloat, M. R., Gresswell, R. E., Berger, A. M., Hockman-Wert, D. P., Leer, D. W., & Skaugset, A. E. 2016. Effects of stream-adjacent logging in fishless headwaters on downstream coastal cutthroat trout. NRC Research Press. Dowload PDF