New Kamchatka festival highlights salmon conservation, brings together diverse groups.

On a cold, wet weekend in November, fishermen, educators, local community, government officials and NGOs gathered in the warmth of the Ust-Bolsheretsk district’s House of Culture in Kamchatka for a one day festival highlighting salmon.
The goal of the “Save the Salmon” festival was to bring together people who recognize salmon as a shared and valued resource, who can influence salmon management and conservation, and are aware of their responsibility to future generations. Participants enjoyed performances by the Nugur indigenous ensemble, an exhibition of “The Great Salmon Rivers of Kamchatka” created by WSC, and additional exhibits and presentations from representatives of the Kol River Nature Preserve (pictured above) and Komandorsky Protected Area. The mini-festival was a success with over 180 attendees learning about the council operation and activities in their district.
For the summer of 2012 they are planning an even larger 2-day “Save the Salmon” event.