Join Wild Salmon Center at Patagonia Portland’s brand new location to learn about the Elliott State Forest and take action to keep it public.
In the wake of a recent Oregon State Land Board vote to privatize the Elliott, WSC and its partners are pushing state leaders to find solutions that keep the forest in public hands rather than selling it to a private timber company. Please join us with Patagonia Portland to voice your support of keeping the Elliott State Forest public, and protecting the outdoor recreation, lush forests, fish, and wildlife it offers to all Oregonians.
Patagonia Portland’s WSC Proceeds Day

Saturday, March 25th, 2017, 10:00 am – 7:00 pm
Patagonia Portland, 1106 W Burnside Ave Portland, OR
Patagonia Portland will be donating 10% of the day’s sales to WSC’s efforts to keep the Elliott State Forest public. WSC staff will be tabling in the store all day and talking about opportunities to ask your legislators to find a public ownership option for the Elliott Forest.
Come by the store, do some shopping, and sign an action card – all while enjoying complimentary refreshments. You can find more details on the Facebook Events Page.
Elliott for All: Save Our Elliott State Forest
Thursday, April 6th, 2017, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Patagonia Portland, 1106 W Burnside Ave Portland, OR
Wild Salmon Center and Patagonia Portland are hosting an evening of conservation-in-action. Join us at the store’s brand new location to learn about the Elliott – a public, 82,500 acre forest in Oregon’s Coast Range that is home to old-growth timber, threatened fish and wildlife, and ample outdoor recreation like hunting, fishing, and hiking. Visit our Facebook event page for event updates and to RSVP.