What’s your salmon story?
Late last fall, I was chasing fall Chinook salmon in the tidal section of a small river on the Oregon coast. Fishing was slow, so I tucked my boat into some cover and sat in the grass next to the river. Eventually, I noticed the subtle wakes of ocean-bright Chinook sneaking slowly upstream. In that moment, I was taken by a feeling of deep connection: to the river, to the salmon, and to the vast ocean I could hear thundering in the distance.
I believe that our connections to salmon rivers—and everything they support—also bring us closer to each other. They show us our shared humanity, and motivate us to come together to protect the places we love.
In this years’ Annual Report, we share how connections—and reconnections—drive our greatest accomplishments. In 2023:
- We reconnected wild salmon, trout, and steelhead with miles of healthy habitat in Oregon and Washington;
- We partnered with First Nations and allies across British Columbia to fuse new science with traditional fishing practices;
- We linked three ambitious public lands campaigns in Alaska with some of the greatest salmon strongholds on Earth; and
- We convened the world’s leading taimen experts in Japan to advance a new era of research on this imperiled species.
Connected to Salmon
In “Connected to Salmon”—a running story series in our report—we also share insights and experiences from key wild salmon advocates around the Pacific Rim.
Mike Overcast, Tordrillo Mountain Lodge
Fighting a 100-mile road through the West Susitna
Alaska lodge owner Mike Overcast fiercely opposes a 100-mile industrial mining road through Alaska’s roadless West Susitna wilderness. Here’s how Overcast is helping WSC and our partners keep the West Su wild.
William Housty, Heiltsuk First Nation
Fusing A.I. and traditional fishing practices
The Heiltsuk Nation is a core partner in our work to fuse artificial intelligence and traditional fishing practices. Here’s how William Housty and his team are using “Salmon Vision” technology to reconnect with their home rivers.
Sara Cannon, Centre for Indigenous Fisheries, University of British Columbia
Informing Indigenous-led wild fish strategies
Researcher Sara Cannon and the Tŝilhqot’in First Nation are assessing human impacts on local salmon. Here’s how this WSC-supported work could inform new strategies to restore wild fish habitat in Fraser River tributaries.
Tony Malmberg, rancher, Union County, Oregon
Keeping water flowing for ranchers and salmon
Rancher Tony Malmberg draws his water from Catherine Creek, a key nursery for Snake River salmon. Here’s how we worked with Malmberg to help keep water flowing for both farms and fish.
Stories like these help drive Wild Salmon Center’s decades-long work to protect the North Pacific’s last, best salmon strongholds. Connected to salmon, we come together—and build our power. We strengthen our communities, the health of our planet, and our sense of wonder.
I invite you to find your personal connection to salmon in the pages of our 2023 Annual Report. And please know that none of our successes—past and present—would be possible without the steadfast support of friends and donors like you.
Thank you,
Guido Rahr
President & Chief Executive