
Atlas of Pacific Salmon

Bristol Bay Sockeye
© Ken Morrish

Wild salmon inhabit a vast ecosystem that encompasses the rivers within and the ocean between coastal countries of the Pacific Rim. But within the past century and a half, many populations have declined in abundance and diversity; without the big picture, we haven’t been able to understand or quantify these losses in Pacific salmon populations. Until now.

Average change in runoff due to climate change.
Average change in runoff due to climate change. Click to view larger image.

In Atlas of Pacific Salmon: The First Map-based Status Assessment of Salmon in the North Pacific author Xanthippe Augerot and colleagues use a common yardstick to measure distribution and risk of extinction for Pacific salmon at a consistent scale across the North Pacific. The Atlas, using more than four dozen maps, presents a never-before-seen, pan-Pacific perspective on the status of this genus.

A State of the Salmon Publication.

Please email for larger versions of the maps, or with any questions.

Click on the links below to find a map:

Climate Change & Runoff

Chinook Distribution

Chinook Extinction Risk

Chum Distribution

Chum Extinction Risk

Coho Distribution

Bristol Bay Watershed, Alaska
Alaska’s Bristol Bay Watershed | © Ben Knight