
Economic Implications of the Coastal Multi-Species Conservation and Management Plan

The Wild Salmon Center (WSC) sponsored an economic analysis project to review the effects of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Coastal Multi-Species Conservation and
Management Plan (CMP). The CMP is required under Oregon’s Native Fish Conservation Policy (NFCP) to identify and implement appropriate strategies and actions necessary to restore and maintain native fish. The CMP is the last in a series of anadromous fish management plans developed by the ODFW. Its geographical coverage is the central Oregon Coast and addresses Species Management Units (SMU’s) for Chinook salmon and steelhead. The CMP was being developed without economic analysis indicators. The WSC project issued its report while the CMP was in a draft stage so that public and policy decision makers could be informed on the economic effects.

The WSC project objectives are to show CMP regional economic contribution effects that would come from the management plan being in place. The main features of the CMP are actions to
change hatchery practices and harvest management. Economic analysis results are itemized for hatchery and wild origin fish, and for hatchery operations including Salmon and Trout
Enhancement Program (STEP) facility operations. The resolution level for the economic effect estimates is four stratums: North Coast (northern boundary Necanicum River), Mid-Coast,
Umpqua, and Mid-South Coast (southern boundary Elk River). The economic analysis measurement (includes multiplier effect) was for changes in regional economic contributions
measured by personal income to households within the strata. Net economic value concepts, including non-use valuations, were discussed, but the economic analysis of CMP changes using
this measurement were not undertaken.

Key Results

  1. The estimated economic contribution from the analyzed freshwater fisheries angler activity for status quo conditions is $32 million in total personal income. The economic contributions from status quo hatchery/STEP operations are an additional $4.5 million personal income.
  2. The overall economic contributions from the CMP actions to freshwater fisheries angler activity will be about 15 percent greater than CMP current conditions or an increase of $5.5 million in total personal income. Hatchery/STEP operations economic contributions from the CMP actions will be about three percent greater or $0.2 million in total personal income.
  3. Wild fish contribute roughly 40 percent of angler activity economic contributions in status quo conditions. This includes the value of selective (catch and release) fisheries. The CMP actions economic effects are 64 percent from wild origin fish. This includes the management change for wild origin winter steelhead fishery to retention in some locations. While the CMP actions identify several changes to management for selective fisheries, an action objective is to allow for an adaptive response for takings when there are wild origin fish status improvements. This management change would likely attract additional angler activity causing increased economic contributions.

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