Silver Tiger Taimen

“Protecting any wild land under law in the 21st century is an extraordinary achievement, but the Koppi stands out, Mariusz Wroblewski at the WSC told us, because, ‘it is the best sea-run taimen river in the world.’ The refuge’s charter evolved out of ten years of hearings at the local, regional, and federal levels that sought, Wroblewski says, to answer ‘the central question of, ‘How can the community that relies on the resource somehow protect it?’'”

Western Oregon Watershed Conservation Areas

This map displays BLM land in Western Oregon alongside proposed Watershed Conservation Areas. The federal designation “Watershed Conservation Areas” would include two components: Key Watersheds and Conservation Opportunity Zones.

TEDx Talk: Salmon Strongholds

In April 2013 WSC’s President Guido Rahr gave a TEDx talk on the subject of “Salmon Strongholds” – the healthiest salmon ecosystems across the North Pacific.