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Mongolia River Outfitters


Mongolia River Outfitters

Across their range in Asia, giant Siberian taimen are under threat, due to habitat loss and unsustainable fishing pressure. As large fishing targets, harvest of taimen is a big cause of decline. They also reproduce slowly. And as an apex predator, they rely on healthy prey populations, such as wild salmon, trout and grayling, which are also under threat.   

In Mongolia, WSC is partnering with Mongolia River Outfitters to conduct a first-of-its-kind taimen research project on the Amur and Yenisey Basins, including spawning and monitoring programs to track taimen abundance, feeding behavior, and river temperatures.

This research aims to understand how Siberian taimen spawn, feed, and grow in rivers—both with, and without, the marine nutrients provided by salmon. Comparing taimen populations and conservation efforts in Mongolia and Russia will improve efforts to protect this species in both places. 

Learn more about our International Taimen Initiative.

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