Your voice is needed to stand tall for Oregon’s state forests. The timber industry has renewed efforts to undermine the progress we’ve made to protect clean water, salmon and wildlife habitat, and safe drinking water for the half-million Oregonians who rely on state forest watersheds.
House Bill 3103 as amended would weaken protections for Oregon’s state forests. This bill would require the Department of Forestry (ODF) to establish a timber harvest rule that prioritizes logging over habitat, clean water, fish and wildlife, and recreation. And it threatens to halt the implementation of the state forest Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) that we have fought so hard for.
The first hearing is scheduled for Monday, March 3 at 8:00 a.m., and we need your help to stop this bill NOW. Please tell legislators today that you oppose HB 3103. Testimony will be allowed until Wednesday, March 5 at 8:00 a.m. (See instructions and sample testimony below!)
What it is: HB 3103 would require the Department of Forestry to pass a timber harvest rule that would prioritize clearcut timber harvest at the expense of all other values—values like clean water, fish and wildlife, recreation, and carbon absorption and storage. HB 3103 would also allow the timber industry to sue the state to effectively force more clearcuts on state forests.
In summary, HB 3103 would result in more clearcuts, less fish and wildlife habitat, and more timber industry lawsuits.
Take action now to voice opposition to this bill:
- Drop comments opposing HB 3103 in the “submit testimony” web form for the bill by clicking on “I’ll speak up for forests!” above.
- Make sure to enter your “position on the measure” as “oppose.”
- Then click on “text testimony” at the bottom of the form and add your written testimony.
- Your message can be very simple. Feel free to copy and paste the message below, but note that adding your personal experience about the value of state forests carries even more power.
Dear Co-Chairs Helm and Owens, and Members of the Committee,
I oppose House Bill 3103 and its amendments. This timber industry bill undermines the state forest habitat conservation plan and would result in more clearcuts, more lawsuits, less habitat for salmon and wildlife, and less carbon storage.
I urge you to oppose this bill. Instead, I encourage this committee to focus on measures that would increase carbon storage in our state forests and safeguard our public resources for our children and future generations.
Please don’t let this bill pass out of committee.
Fact sheet: Oppose HB 3103
Thanks for speaking up for our forests and the ecosystems and livelihoods they sustain.