Here’s Why We’re Working To End Open Net-Pens in B.C.
We’re partnering with Watershed Watch Salmon Society to make sure that Canada transitions from marine salmon farms.
We’re partnering with Watershed Watch Salmon Society to make sure that Canada transitions from marine salmon farms.
Our work to understand genetic characteristics of vulnerable wild fish runs will speed their protection on B.C.’s Central Coast.
Our new Salmon Watershed Scientist is boosting Wild Salmon Center’s science efforts in Mongolia and beyond.
An innovative water conservation project in Eastern Oregon shows a way forward for thriving farms and healthy rivers.
The West Susitna Industrial Access Road would threaten at least 80 salmon streams in the Susitna River drainage – one of Alaska’s top Chinook producing watersheds.
In a huge boost for Oregon’s Coos and Siuslaw watersheds, a state agency has awarded $23 million to coastal partners to complete salmon restoration projects prioritized by Wild Salmon Center’s Coast Coho Partnership.
Wild Salmon Center’s new GIS Spatial Analyst will help us illuminate the case for salmon conservation across the North Pacific. Back in 2018, Jon Hart spent a lot of time …
On British Columbia’s Central Coast, a failing chum fishery left a wide wake of unintended impacts. Now there’s hope that a years-long pause can help rebuild the region’s wild fish runs.