Together, Wild Salmon Center, SkeenaWild and Watershed Watch Salmon Society along with First Nation partners are working to protect British Columbia’s wild salmon and steelhead strongholds, including the Skeena River. …

Heart of Steel

Steelhead are explorers. Of all species in their genus, Oncorhynchus mykiss are perhaps the most fascinating for both anglers and scientists: adventurous, unpredictable, and highly individualistic. Historically, steelhead claimed rivers …

Heart of Steel – PART III

As more scientists study steelhead declines, will mixed-stock marine fishing prove a key culprit? If so, here’s why that should give us hope.

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Your gift supports our work to protect the North Pacific’s healthiest wild salmon and steelhead ecosystems—and the communities, jobs, and wildlife they sustain.

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Through online donation, your contribution helps us protect thriving wild salmon and steelhead ecosystems in the North Pacific, along with the communities, employment opportunities, and wildlife they sustain. Sustain our …

Andrew Dutterer: A Legacy of Thriving Rivers in Oregon

In tribute to Andrew’s passion for wild rivers and fish, family and friends established the Andrew D. Dutterer Memorial Fund at Wild Salmon Center to support our ongoing work to restore vital habitat for wild salmon and steelhead in western Oregon.