Заповедник для лосося
Выступление Ливингстона Стоуна перед Американским рыболовным обществом в 1892 г.
Выступление Ливингстона Стоуна перед Американским рыболовным обществом в 1892 г.
Сохранение природного богатства лососевых рек тихоокеанского региона
Новые исследования тихоокеанских лососей указывают на возрастание рисков, связанных с лососем искусственного воспроизводства: Результаты имеют международные последствия для управления рыболовством в России, Японии, Канаде и Соединенных Штатах.
The intent of this document is twofold: 1) to introduce the concept of the term “Stronghold Investment Partnership” as a replacement for the term “Endorsed Stronghold”, and 2) to document the scientific and policy considerations associated with the first nine Stronghold Investment Partnerships established during 2008.
North American Salmon Stronghold Partnership: Scoring guidelines to experts assessing status of populations.
“With the scientific analysis complete, we can now begin taking a proactive approach to protect salmon habitats and realize the potential of the Harrison River as a Salmon Stronghold.”
– Mark Angelo, Chair of the Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council
The purpose of this document is to briefly describe “multi-state and programmatic initiatives”, which can be supported through funds appropriated under the Pacific Salmon Stronghold Conservation Act. The objective is to ensure a shared understanding of the term “programmatic” among Steering Committee members, who will be responsible for evaluating proposals seeking support for programmatic initiatives.
Committee meets to advise Forestry Board on new rules; hearings set for public input. Article from The Daily Astorian. Click below to view or download the article:
List of the committee’s members with bios.
List of liaisons with bios.
Until April 30, all new monthly gifts will be matched (up to $15,000). By joining our Stronghold Guardian Circle, your monthly gifts will provide reliable support for our work to protect the Pacific Rim’s most important wild salmon watersheds–our salmon strongholds.