Wild Salmon Center Hires Greg Knox as new British Columbia Director
The departing SkeenaWild Executive Director will support our expanding, partner-led work across the province.
“We’re happy that returns are strong,” says Greg Knox, Executive Director of SkeenaWild. “But one year doesn’t make a trend.”
With First Nations and other key partners, Wild Salmon Center launches “Salmon Vision” to track fish returns in real-time.
To protect wild salmon biodiversity, we need accurate fish counts in real-time. With our partners, we’re developing a game-changing technology solution.
We’re partnering with Watershed Watch Salmon Society to make sure that Canada transitions from marine salmon farms.
Our work to understand genetic characteristics of vulnerable wild fish runs will speed their protection on B.C.’s Central Coast.
On British Columbia’s Central Coast, a failing chum fishery left a wide wake of unintended impacts. Now there’s hope that a years-long pause can help rebuild the region’s wild fish runs.
For fans of wild salmon, it’s hard to know what’s the right choice in a restaurant or at a store. Here’s why sustainable seafood chef Rob Clark loves Harrison River beach-seined keta.