Kol Biostation

Setting a precedent for proactive conservation and research of salmon ecosystems in Kamchatka.

Regional Limiting Factors Affecting Salmon Strongholds and Programmatic Approaches to Remediation

The purpose of this document is to briefly describe “multi-state and programmatic initiatives”, which can be supported through funds appropriated under the Pacific Salmon Stronghold Conservation Act. The objective is to ensure a shared understanding of the term “programmatic” among Steering Committee members, who will be responsible for evaluating proposals seeking support for programmatic initiatives.

Applying the Salmon Stronghold Concept in Canada

“The Salmon Strongholds concept is meant to reinforce the vitality of salmon and steelhead habitat ecosystems through voluntary and locally-based initiatives, along with government agency participation. A particular focus of Salmon Strongholds is the purchase or property-rights arrangements (covenants, set-asides) of land at the landscape level with special significance or vulnerability for salmon.”

Identification and Prioritization of Salmon Tributaries for Conservation in the Hoh River Basin

The purpose of this report is to prioritize Hoh River tributaries for conservation actions by identifying critical rearing and spawning habitat of salmon and steelhead. Successfully sustaining wild salmon will depend on the maintenance and improvement of current biological conditions in relatively healthy watersheds, as well as the restoration of altered freshwater habitats and implementation of improved regulatory measures that benefit overall ecosystem productivity.