Donor Profile: Spirit Mountain

Creating a coalition of conservation partners with the help of Spirit Mountain Community Fund. The Spirit Mountain Community Fund’s focus is to improve the quality of life in Northwest Oregon …

Land for Salmon

Thousands of acres purchased on Washington’s Clearwater and Oregon’s Kilchis rivers will benefit key populations of wild salmon and steelhead.

Kol Biostation

Setting a precedent for proactive conservation and research of salmon ecosystems in Kamchatka.

Regional Limiting Factors Affecting Salmon Strongholds and Programmatic Approaches to Remediation

The purpose of this document is to briefly describe “multi-state and programmatic initiatives”, which can be supported through funds appropriated under the Pacific Salmon Stronghold Conservation Act. The objective is to ensure a shared understanding of the term “programmatic” among Steering Committee members, who will be responsible for evaluating proposals seeking support for programmatic initiatives.